Xbox New Software Update: Will Shut Down When Not in Use

Date: 23, January 2023 Author: Market Statsville Group

In January 2023, with an upcoming software update, Microsoft Corporation announced an update for Xbox, intending to shut down a user’s Xbox when it's not in use to save power bills.

In the new era, the sustainability of energy and resources is in priority for new tech space. New development ideas in the tech space and all other industries are more related to saving energy and money for the future. Learning the same footsteps, Microsoft is getting ready to launch a new software update for the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X that will replace sleep mode with shutting down (energy saving) as the default setting.

This option is already available by default on Microsoft Xbox systems sold in March 2022 or later. The most recent software update will make this functionality available on consoles shipped before March 2022.

With this update, Microsoft Xbox Series S or Series X gaming console will only require 0.5W of electricity when turned off. On the other hand, it will continue to use 10 to 15 W of power when a user puts it on sleep mode. One benefit of putting it on sleep mode is the ability to restart the console quickly. It will start after being shut off in around 10-15 seconds.

According to Microsoft, 2 Xbox consoles in power-saving mode will save an equivalent amount of carbon removed by one tree planted and grown for a decade.

Do note that, Users can explicitly return to sleep mode to enable the instant boot feature, as this update prioritizes all saving modes above sleep mode by default. Beta testers are presently receiving the upgrade, and in the coming days, all users will be able to access the stable version.

Similarly, the software update will also enable users to adjust active hours, where the console will go to sleep mode within the active hours, enabling quick boot. Outside the active hours, the console will go to power saving mode to help reduce power consumption.

Microsoft founded and owned the video game brand Xbox. The company's portfolio of products includes five gaming consoles, software (games), streaming services, an internet service called Xbox Network, and a division called Xbox Game Studios that handles game creation.

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